Time’s A Ticking … Get Your Insurance Sorted

Published on May 21, 2018
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New Year’s resolutions are funny things. Why is it that we just can’t stick to them? 

Was one of yours this year to get fewer take-outs and more exercise? Or, did you plan to get your finances in order this year? We hate to be party poopers … but if you’ve managed none of these yet it is almost the middle of the year you know!

Maybe it’s time to get that list out of the drawer and prioritise the goals you set for yourself for 2018.

Ah! There it is. Number two on your list - get insurance quotes for your car and home and look into some funeral cover (funny isn’t it that the number one thing on your list was to not hide the list in a drawer).

Many people don’t get around to these tasks because they think they just take too much time. It’s too much hassle and too complicated.

Well, we’ve got great news for you – to get insurance quotes and compare quotes is a quick one to tick off your list of New Year’s resolutions.

You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your favourite couch. Compare car and home insurance quotes and get a quote online.

At the touch of a button, you can find out all you need to know about:

  • Comprehensive car cover
  • Limited car insurance
  • Third-party cover
  • Home insurance
  • Funeral cover

You’ll be amazed at the value-added cover you can get too.

At Hollard, we’ve got every eventuality covered with products like:

  • Extended warranty insurance
  • Long-term storage cover for your car
  • Enroute insurance
  • Funeral cover for your partner, parents and other blood relatives
  • Legal cover

We know how saying you’ll do something and not actually getting around to it can nag at you. Are your unchallenged New Year’s resolutions still haunting you like the ghost of Christmas past?

If you have stuck to at least one - let’s say not putting your alarm clock on snooze – isn’t it a great feeling of satisfaction knowing your boss can never give you the evil eye again because you’re always on time for work now?

Get the others, especially car, home and funeral policies, out of the way too. It’s a lot less work and far less complicated than you think. The peace of mind this offers once done is so worth it.

While you can laugh off some of your other resolutions and say you’ll try again next year, you won’t be laughing when something happens and you don’t have the right cover in place.

With the right car insurance, you can be covered for accidents and theft or attempted theft, as well as other on- and off-the-road events.

That comfy couch you’re sitting on at the moment can also be covered with home insurance, in case a pipe bursts and it gets damaged or a fire destroys your home. 

It’s not complicated. Don’t let another year go by without proper cover. Resolve to get insurance today. Visit our website now.