Treating Our Customers Fairly

Customers @ Hollard

Arms embrasing a stylized heart, symbolizing the fair treatment of customers at Hollard.

About TCF

To champion customer fairness and transparency across the financial sector, the Financial Services Board (FSB) introduced the Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) framework. TCF goes beyond guidelines; it’s an outcome-driven regulatory approach woven into the very fabric of financial institutions like Hollard. It sets clear expectations, ensuring institutions deliver tangible and fair outcomes for their customers.

The six outcomes of TCF

These outcomes must be demonstrably delivered throughout the product life cycle—from design and promotion to advice, servicing, complaints, and claims handling.

1. Culture and governance 

Clients are confident that they are dealing with firms where the fair treatment of customers is central to the firm culture.

2. Product design 

Products and services are designed to meet the needs of identified customer groups and are targeted accordingly.

3. Clear communication 

We give clear information to clients and keep them informed before, during and after contracting.

4. Suitable advice 

Where clients receive advice, it is suitable and considers their circumstances.

5. Performance and standards 

Products and service levels meet our clients’ expectations.

6. Claims, complaints and changes 

Clients do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers to changing products, switching providers, submitting claims, or making complaints.

Need to get in touch with us?

Call Customer Care on
0861 000 107 or email

Hollard's vision

At Hollard, we envision a future built on trust and mutual benefit. Our approach extends beyond the fundamental principles of Treating Customers Fairly (TCF), actively fostering win-win relationships with our policyholders. Fairness is at the heart of everything we do, embedded in our company culture, strategic decision-making and everyday processes. By earning your trust and championing your best interests, we pave the way for a sustainable and shared future.

Internal governance

We guided our internal campaign towards the initial implementation date of 1 January 2014, concluding gap assessments in September 2013. This determined key focus areas. Hollard created the TCF program, comprising a Steering Committee represented by each Business Unit Exco Member and chaired by our CEO. Additionally, there is a Working Committee with representation from each Business Unit and Support Areas, meeting monthly to discuss TCF-related risks and progress.

Embedding TCF in Hollard culture

Claims philosophy

Hollard developed a claims philosophy setting out our commitments to claims payments and the principles guiding our decisions, ensuring alignment with the Hollard Way and Purpose. Partners dealing with our customers at the claims stage are well-versed in this philosophy.

Complaints management process

We created a detailed complaints management process applied across Hollard and our partners to ensure consistent complaint processing, decision-making and root cause analysis.

Claims forums

We created forums with various experts from all parts of the business to review claims. Decisions are aligned and similar situations enjoy similar outcomes to ensure overall fairness.

Two professional business consultants discussing their successful partnership with Hollard.

Our partners

Collaboration is woven into the very fabric of Hollard. It's how we began and it remains a cornerstone of our success. We believe in the power of partnership to amplify impact, drive innovation and build a better future.  

Symbols flowing out of a megaphone representing Hollard's Media Centre

Media centre

For the latest news, press releases and contact information, explore our online media centre.

A purple suitcase symbolising Hollard careers


We foster a vibrant, supportive and forward-thinking work environment where passionate individuals thrive. Discover career opportunities and become part of the Hollard family.

Hollard International: An Afro-Global vision

Hollard International embraces a philosophy of Afro-Globalisation, with access to operations spanning the African nations of South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Zambia, and Lesotho and Kenya (through our APA partnership). We're deeply committed to creating shared value for our partners, customers and the communities we serve, driven by impactful corporate social investment and sustainable community development projects.

10 FAQs
about TCF

What is Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)?

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TCF is an outcomes-based regulatory approach introduced by the Financial Services Board (FSB) to ensure that financial services firms treat their customers fairly throughout the product life cycle.

What are the six outcomes of TCF?

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The six outcomes of TCF focus on culture and governance, product design, clear communication, suitable advice, performance and standards, and claims, complaints and changes.

How does Hollard ensure the fair treatment of customers?

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Hollard ensures fair treatment through its internal campaigns, governance structures, and embedding TCF principles in its culture, strategy and processes.

What is Hollard’s vision regarding TCF?

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Hollard’s vision is to go beyond basic TCF principles by building win-win relationships with policyholders and embedding the fair treatment of customers in all aspects of the business.

How does Hollard train its staff on TCF?

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Hollard trains its staff through interactive campaigns, e-learning modules and continuous reminders about the importance of TCF.

What is Hollard’s claims philosophy?

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Hollard’s claims philosophy outlines commitments to fair claims payments, principles for decisionmaking, and ensuring partners apply the same standards.

How does Hollard handle customer complaints?

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Hollard has a detailed Complaints Management Process to ensure consistent and fair handling of complaints across all business units and partners.

What are Hollard’s claims forums?

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Claims forums are groups of experts from different business areas who review claims to ensure decisions are fair and aligned with TCF principles.

Who are Hollard’s partners?

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Hollard’s partners include intermediaries such as brokers and advisors, agents, and business entities in retail, banking, and insurance sectors.

How is Hollard expanding its presence in Africa?

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Hollard is committed to expanding its footprint across several African countries, including South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Zambia and Lesotho.