Hollard Careers

We value passionate people, forward-thinking and a happy work place

A clipboard, suitcase and office chair, symbolising Hollard careers

Is Hollard right for me?

Our values underpin the heart and soul of our company. Read more about The Hollard Way and see if you share our values and purpose.

The Hollard Way

The Hollard Way was designed by hundreds of Hollardites working together and is a rich, multi-layered description of how we think we, should conduct ourselves – some of it is aspirational because we’re not there yet, but we’re striving to get there. 

Although it has five elements, it is one thing – no one element can exist in isolation from the other four. And there are necessary tensions between some of the ideas – tensions that acknowledge the complexity of the world and recognise the fact that we are all adults and capable of making choices and trade-offs.

The Hollard Way is underpinned by a set of beliefs that we have about people and the world.

Because we believe that customers and partners are at the heart of everything we do and that they deserve our support and respect, we deliver for these customers and partners.

Through striving to be the best we can be, by taking pride in everything that we do and through constantly challenging mediocrity, we choose excellence and get things that matter done every day.

Because we believe in doing things differently to make a difference, because we dream, pioneer and experiment, we can imagine and innovate.

Because we believe that relationships matter, because we believe in the power of diversity and because we believe that we are all pursuing the same big dream, we operate as one team - Team Hollard.

And because we believe in taking what we do seriously without taking ourselves seriously, because we believe in having fearless conversations with respect for others, we can be real, while remaining mindful.

illustration of the Hollard purpose statement

Purple pattern corner circle illustration

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Our values 

Delivery for Customers and Partners

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  • We believe that people are our business and that our customers and partners are at the heart of everything we do. They deserve our support and our respect.
  • We believe in abundance.
  • We believe more for everyone by finding the win-win-win.
  • We create realistic expectations and then keep our promises.
  • We take initiative and deliver with a can-do attitude.
  • We don't give up and always get it sorted.
  • We're always fair.

Imagine, Innovate

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  • We believe in doing things differently to make a positive difference. 
  • We believe in partnering to achieve more together.
  • We dream, pioneer, experiment.
  • We approach things with an open mind.
  • We challenge the status quo and search for better ways, both big and small.
  • We keep the big picture in mind and step back to consider things from many perspectives.
  • We take a long term view.

Choose Excellence

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  • We believe in striving to be the best we can be.
  • We challenge mediocrity.
  • We take pride in everything we do.
  • We master what we do. We keep learning.
  • We reflect on our mistakes  and our successes.
  • We focus on the things that count. We don't milk mice.
  • We work smarter to achieve more with less-this makes us more competitive.
  • We think things through and take responsibility for the consequences of our actions.
  • We have the courage to make the right calls.

Be Real, Be Mindful

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  • Be true to yourself but understand your impact on others.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Never compromise your integrity.
  • Take what you do seriously - but not yourself.
  • Be courageous. Have fearless conversations with respect for the dignity of others.
  • Get involved. Own your actions. Be a leader.
  • Choose to be here because you enjoy what you do.
  • Invest positive energy to make work fun and fulfilling.
  • Say no to politics - it wastes time and energy and doesn't work here.
  • Look after your whole self. Get the balance right for you.

Team Hollard

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  • We believe that relationships matter – Hollard is about more than just getting things done.
  • We believe in empowering people so that they can make a difference.
  • We believe in the power of diversity.
  • We're one team, working together in pursuit of the same big dream.
  • We each play vital, connected roles.
  • We care about and are accountable to each other.
  • We communicate our thinking and expectations. We provide context.
  • We listen. We ask for and value the viewpoints of others.
  • We encourage robust debate.
  • We ask for help when we need it.
  • We give help freely. We're in this together.
  • We share what we learn for the benefit of others.