Insurance Quotes Online: Save On Your Motor, Household And Building Insurance Quotes

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Getting your insurance quotes online just makes sense. Instead of having to phone companies one after the other, you can do all your research from the comfort of your home.

In fact, you can even get online quotes while you’re on the move, using your mobile device. Add all this to the fact that you can compare different quotes on the spot and you’ve got a pretty easy shopping experience.

That being said, online insurance quotes can differ pretty drastically between companies. This is the case even though you’re searching for quotes for the same car, item, or house. So, what is the best way to go about getting accurate insurance quotes online?

We have some tips for you that will help your insurance quoting process go quickly and easily.

Tips for getting insurance quotes online

1. Be honest

Because you’re doing it online, and no one is there to watch over your shoulder, you might be tempted to embellish the truth ever so slightly to get a better quote. The problem with this, however, is that it can create difficulties in the claims process.

In the event of a claim, your insurer will check your circumstances against what you entered when getting your online quote. If your information is inconsistent, it might result in your claim being held up or even denied.

2. Correct the insurer’s assumptions

When you enter your details online, the insurance company will take a few things for granted. They may, for example, simply assume that your car or home is free of certain modifications and other additions that might change its insurance status.

Be sure to check that the insurer has the right impression of the item that you’re trying to insure. If you simply leave these assumptions alone, it might complicate the claims process.

3. Don’t be afraid to message the insurer directly

If you have specific insurance needs that aren’t being addressed through an online form, don’t be afraid to message the insurance company directly. Don’t feel that this will commit you to anything or take too long – it’ll be quick and it’s not binding in any way.

Contacting the company allows them to collect all of the information they need to give you an accurate, complete quote.

4. Try different options

When getting an online quote, you’re able to enter the information multiple times after seeing the quote. This means that you’re able to change the information you input to achieve a result that’s better for you. (Wouldn’t you like that power for, say, the lotto?).

Firstly, when doing this, refer back to point 1 and be honest! Now that we’ve cleared that up, let us explain.

You might find that, when it comes to car insurance, adding a more experienced driver to the policy can bring down the premiums. Don’t say that the other driver is the primary driver if this isn’t the case, but check to see if the mere fact of adding this driver to the policy changes the amount you have to pay.

For easy, affordable quotes, choose Hollard

At Hollard, we offer a lot of bang for your buck, and we tailor our packages to suit your pocket, so it’s a win-win. You could start trawling the internet for quotes to match us in both service offerings and affordability, or you could just call us right away to get started with some rockstar insurance!

If it’s the latter, we’re ready to hear your wonderful voice. Give us a call at 0861 000 107 and tell us all about what you need!