Funeral Insurance: Memorial Benefits

Published on May 12, 2014
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As opposed to a funeral, which happens soon after the deceased has passed away, a memorial ceremony usually takes place several months later. This ceremony – also known as an unveiling ceremony - typically includes the unveiling of a tombstone, which can be an enduring source of comfort to mourners long after their loved one has passed away.

As with a funeral, a memorial service can be expensive. Even a simple tombstone made from quality materials can require a substantial outlay, and you may not have the cash available to pay for it after you’ve already paid for a funeral.

To help with these extra costs, many insurers offer a memorial benefit in addition to their core funeral insurance cover. With this additional benefit, you’re given a cash amount that you can use to pay for a tombstone and other costs of the memorial ceremony, such as transportation and accommodation for mourners.

Generally, memorial benefits pay out up to a year after the death of the insured. With this flexibility, you can arrange the memorial at a fitting time – such as if you want to allow enough time for visitors travelling from afar to make arrangements.

The amount you’ll be paid for your memorial benefit will depend on your specific policy in terms of how much you pay towards it each month. No matter how much you can afford to pay though, making provision for these memorial costs now means you won’t be burdened with added financial strain later.

Hollard Funeral offers quality funeral insurance in South Africa including a comprehensive memorial benefit. Not sure which level of funeral cover you need? Either read more about our funeral plans or get a quote online to see what you’d pay for your chosen level of cover.