Finding The Right Funeral Plan: Questions To Ask

Published on Mar 24, 2014
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Having the right funeral plan is crucial if you want to cover yourself and your family financially against the loss of a loved one. It’s an issue most of us would prefer not facing, but it’s one that you should realise is vitally important, if you are to protect the long-term well-being of those you love.

To help you find the right funeral cover for your needs, answer the four questions below:

1. What financial burden will a funeral create?

Arranging a funeral can be a costly affair. As well as the expense of arranging the burial, there are also things such as buying headstones, organising flower arrangements and hiring venues for the wake. If you’re taking out a funeral policy, it’s worth thinking about the type of funeral you and your family members would like. You then need to ensure that your funeral plan will provide you with enough funds to cover that particular sort of funeral.

Funeral cover provides financial protection so that family members are left free to focus on the grieving process and don’t have to worry about being able to afford the funeral itself.

2. Who do I want to cover?

Besides yourself, a funeral policy can also cover your partner or spouse, up to five children and your parents and parents-in-law. That way you can protect your entire family should something devastating happen.

3. Do I want life cover too?

Many funeral plans also allow you to take out life cover as part of your policy, where you can designate someone to receive a lump sum should you pass away. Think of this as a top-up on your funeral insurance that will provide for your family long after you’ve gone.

4. What happens after the funeral?

A comprehensive funeral plan should provide your family with the means to not only cover funeral costs but to also cover monthly expenses following a death in the family. Certain funeral policies give you access to money for things such as groceries, school fees and rent. If you can find a funeral policy that offers this as an add-on, your family will be able to continue their lives as they did before the loss.

A proper funeral policy provides you with peace of mind and comprehensive cover that you cannot be without. Death is unfortunately part of the circle of life, and so you need to be sufficiently prepared. Find out more about funeral plans today, request a quote and get yourself covered.